26. Juni 2020
moving up – culture & etiquette with a twist
A collocation is a combination of two or more words that are commonly used together, in a way that…
21. Juni 2020
moving up – phrase UP
A collocation is a combination of two or more words that are commonly used together, in a way that…
17. Juni 2020
Business Collocations – NEGOTIATION – bitesize lessons by moving up
Keep checking for regular updates on our bitesize lessons on collocations. This week's all about…
10. Juni 2020
Business Collocations – MEETING – bitesize lessons by moving up
A collocation is a combination of two or more words that are commonly used together, in a way that…
14. April 2020
Why have 95% of Man United fans never been to Old Trafford … but I have?
Well let’s see Man Utd has the highest number of fan following compared to any football team,…
13. März 2020
Psychology of learning: Importance of willpower.
Do you ever get the feeling sometimes that you just don’t want to make a decision? Have you ever…
12. Februar 2020
VISITING THE DIOR EXHIBITION at the Victoria & Albert Museum
Lovers of hats, sparkles and glamour rejoice! After missing out on the Dior exhibition last year at…
7. Januar 2020
My favourite restaurants around the globe
London’s restaurant scene is probably one of the most diverse I have ever had the pleasure of…
5. Dezember 2019
been there, done that… ring of kerry
Ever heard of Waterville? I hadn’t and I would have probably never hiked there if it hadn’t been…
Meine Beiträge sind vielfältig. Es geht um Sprache, Kultur, Traditionen, Etikette und Bräuche. Ich beschäftige mich auch mit Psychologie und gebe ihnen meine Erfahrungen weiter. Immer schon war ich eine begeisterte Reisende und in meiner Blog-Posts möchte ich einige meiner Lieblingsorte mit Ihnen teilen.
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